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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Delmonico Rib-Eye Steaks

Two beautifully marbled Delmonico Steaks, from the "Steak House", a chain butcher shop, with a local franchise, in Charlotte, NC. These steaks are about a pound each.
Seasoned with salt, pepper and "California Style" garlic powder. The CI skillet is getting nice and hot, while the steaks get to room temperature. You want to hear the sizzle, when you lay your steaks, in the pan. Usually, I would use a pat of butter, to give it a nutty flavor, but since I am trying to watch my fat intake, I used a 1/2 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil, instead. The oven has been preheated, to 375 degrees. About 3-4 minutes, per side and then flipped and seasoned the other side. Another 3 or 4 minutes, and then in the oven. I was looking for an internal temperature of 160 for medium, 140 for rare. I used an instant read "therma pen". Cooking time was about 10-12 minutes. Took the pan out, of the oven, placed the steaks on a cutting board and lightly covered with foil, as the meat rests and redistributes the juices ( at least 10-15 minutes).
This steak was served with cheesy, whole wheat cous cous.
Look at the juicy and tasty piece. Next time, it goes on the outdoor grill, I hate the rain, but this made up for it! Thanks for watching.

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